
Graphic Design Instructor- Tenure-Track - Spokane Falls Community College

  • Spokane, Washington, United States
  • Tenure Track Faculty
  • Closing at: Feb 18 2025 at 16:00 PST

Location: Spokane Falls Main Campus Spokane

Department: SFCC Applied Visual Arts

Salary Information: This is a full-time, tenure track position with an entry level base salary (for a 175-day academic year contract) of $68,054 - $104,495 annually. Future advancement in base salary, up to the current maximum of $104,495, is based upon a combination of years of service accrued at our college and professional development activity.

Annual salary is comprised of base salary plus any combination of academic year overload contracts, summer effort contracts, project stipends, student club advising stipends, and/or department chair program lead faculty stipends consistent with the provisions of the current collective bargaining agreement between Spokane Colleges and the Association for Higher Education (AHE).

About Us 

SFCC’s Graphic Design Program works closely with Spokane’s vibrant design industry to produce graduates that are industry-ready. The two-year SFCC Graphic Design Program prepares students for entry-level jobs in design studios, advertising agencies, interactive agencies, corporate in-house design departments and other businesses, or transfer to a four-year degree program. Teaching opportunities may include the following skill sets/subject areas: graphic design theory & process, web design and development, user interface/experience design, print design, animation, video, photography, typography.

The Graphic Design Program is part of the Applied Visual Arts Department, containing Photography, Journalism, and Interior Design, within the Division of Visual & Performing Arts, which also includes Fine Arts, Music, and Audio Engineering.

Spokane Falls Community College, part of Spokane Colleges, serves 6,000 students with liberal arts/transfer and professional technical programs across a 12,302 square mile region in Eastern Washington.

SFCC’s mission is to provide all students with an excellent education that transforms lives and expands their opportunities. We advance that mission through Guided Pathways, whereby all students engage their passions through applied learning and discover their personalized path to achieve their educational goals.

(Link to learn more about Guided Pathways: 

Applications will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. PST on 02/18/2025. The application process will not be available after this time. To ensure consideration make sure your application is completed and submitted as soon as possible. Applications will only be accepted prior to 4:00 p.m. on the closing date.

About the Graphic Design Instructor- Tenure-Track - Spokane Falls Community College


  • Collaborate to develop, produce, and revise an effective curriculum that meets the needs of a rapidly changing industry; prepare course materials and instruct a wide range of learners through on-ground, hybrid, and online education modes.
  • Coordinate and team-teach lessons in a project-based curriculum; develop competency based/learning outcomes, modules, rubrics and self-assessments. Types of courses include but are not limited to: Design Process, Design Technology, Multimedia Technology, and Web Development.
  • Communicate expectations and establish clear grading criteria through appropriate instructional means, to include but not limited to developing course syllabi, handouts, and materials supporting the instructional process; evaluating student progress and providing clear, timely feedback.
  • Design, develop and produce program promotional materials; document and publicize student success utilizing print, broadcast and/or social media; keep program web pages up to date.
  • Engage with industry-related professional organizations; correspond with industry professionals on a regular basis; analyze technology trends and directions; assist in maintaining an active program advisory committee.
  • Provide continuity in program management and instruction; participate in annual program review to enhance learning and program outcomes; with time, assist and mentor adjunct faculty.
  • Coordinate and conduct program entry interviews in collaboration with other program faculty.
  • Network and develop cooperative learning and employment opportunities; coordinate and supervise student cooperative education work sites (internships).
  • Commit to the success of a socially and culturally diverse student population through equity-minded teaching, advising, and mentoring. 
  • Serve as a mentor and resource for students seeking employment or continued education.
  • Provide availability and accessibility to students for purpose of academic consulting and support, in a manner appropriate to meet student needs, through a combination of scheduled office hours, e-mail accessibility or other effective means of responsive and timely communication.
  • Participate in district, division, department, or general faculty meetings; in-service training; curriculum development; academic consulting; workshops or seminars; serve on district or college councils or committees, or other activities within the scope of the position.
  • Support and advance the Spokane Colleges strategic plan, and perform other duties as assigned.  
  • Comply with state and federal law applicable to professional duties and responsibilities, follows established procedures in areas such as printing, turning in grades, bookstore orders, office support, safety and health issues, and related processes. 
  • In addition, faculty may:
    • Advise student clubs or associations.
    • Instruct courses in related disciplines based upon individual qualifications and expertise.


  • An earned bachelor’s degree in graphic design/visual communication (or related field) with relevant industry experience in areas such as design for print, multimedia, and/or web (part-time or full-time).
  • Professional-level competence or understanding in each of the following areas: graphic design theory & process, web design and development, user interface/experience design, print design, animation, video, photography, typography, and social media marketing.
  • A commitment to supporting and fostering the success of a socially and culturally diverse community through your work.


The following competencies are not necessary for application, but having one or more of these may increase a candidate’s success:

  • An earned master’s degree in graphic design/visual communication (or related field). 
  • Five years professional-level experience in any of the following: graphic design theory & process, web design and development, user interface/experience design, print design, animation, video, photography, typography, or social media marketing.   
  • Experience in industry standard UI/UX software(s), video production, animation.
  • One year of experience teaching Graphic Design/Visual Communication in higher education. 
  • Experience creating or updating learning resources that are accessible in multiple modalities.   
  • Active engagement with campus, professional, and/or community organizations.   
  • Demonstrated understanding of the role community colleges serve in higher education and, specifically, of the mission, values, goals, and objectives of the Spokane Colleges. 

Person hired must be able to provide acceptable documentation of U.S. Citizenship or lawful authorization to work in the United States. This is an absolute condition of employment. An offer of employment will not carry with it any responsibility or obligation on the part of the district to sponsor an H1-B visa. In addition, the Spokane Colleges maintain a drug-free work environment and prohibits all smoking in the college buildings and state-owned vehicles. Must be able to successfully work in and promote a multicultural work and education environment.  

Prior to a new hire, a background check including criminal record history will be conducted. Information from the background check will not necessarily preclude employment but will be considered in determining the applicant’s suitability and competence to perform in the position. Once an applicant is chosen for a position, they are required to complete and submit a declaration regarding sexual misconduct and investigation per state law.

Benefits Information

This is an annually contracted (tenure track) position. Medical, dental, life and long term disability insurance benefits are provided as currently administered under Public Employees Benefits Board; TIAA-Cref retirement plan or WA State Retirement Plan.; leave accruals and usage are governed by the faculty master contract.

Public Employees Benefits Board

Additional benefits information

Required Application Materials

To qualify for consideration, applicants must meet required competencies and submit a complete application packet, which includes the following:

  • Spokane Colleges online application including supplemental questions  
  • Cover letter - addressing your qualifications relevant to the responsibilities of this position.
  • Resume.
  • References – the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references.
  • College transcript(s) if applicable - unofficial/copies of transcripts are acceptable; official transcripts are required upon hire.
  • 1 page statement explaining how you have contributed to the success of a socially and culturally diverse community in your work.
  • Digital Portfolio.

For questions regarding a job application or the hiring process, or if you require an accommodation during the application or interview process, please contact HR at

Equal Opportunity Institution

Spokane Colleges does not discriminate in its programs, activities and employment on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, marital status, pregnancy, pregnancy related conditions, parental status or families with children, status as a mother breastfeeding their child, AIDS/HIV or hepatitis C, honorably discharged veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, use of a trained guide dog or service animal by a person with a disability, genetic information, or any other legally protected category. 

Direct all inquiries or grievances regarding access, Title IX, ADA, equal opportunity compliance, and/or grievances to:
Fred Davis | Chief Human Resources Officer
Spokane Colleges
P.O. Box 6000, MS1004
Spokane, WA. 99217-6000

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